TwiTR, Limbaugh and the Peter Principle run amok
Holy moly can the American attention span shorten yet again? Twitter? And then I hear we have Limbaugh being put forth as a potential "leader" of the Republicans. Surely comparably we are in the final days of Rome?
Recently I was cajoled into joining Facebook and I have to say it also is a waste of time (IMHO): I'm not even going to go look at Twitter. Realizing that I am among a minority that "types", I know abbreviated forms of communication (other than using the telephone) do help other people reach out and touch someone; however? Another friend who recently signed onto Facebook has today announced he's "outta here"...making a similar comment to mine about the inane nature of the nano-dialogs.
At the very head of the list of things that has brought us into these grave times, is bad communication, miscommunication, no communication - and a total absorption with stupid inane of those being our own total self-absorption. So, here we are now and in my belief we will not start pulling out of this depression while I am still alive.
I did vote for Obama, although I would have rather had more choices. He is an eloquent man, very erudite...but thusfar his cabinet choices have been mostly individuals who were "part of the problem" regarding the fiscal disarray we see today. And I'm nauseated watching the Senate and House ramble on (still) about the usual day to day things, as if we were not on the brink of an abyss - life in these United States forever more, wiped out by moral decay.
Bailing out AIG and the banks and brokerages is no solution to anything. Continuing in wars - wherever they are - is not only pointless but a total waste of dollars: taking aside the obvious murdering of the citizenry. I cannot watch the TV by and large or the news, for the most part. It just recycles the same bad ideas that in turn recycle the same platitudes brought up endlessly to convince everyone - that everything - is going to be fine. Soon even, perhaps!
Will this country ever grow up. The one thing I do wish I was able to do is to live surrounded by those who are thinking and who are trying to sort through the verbiage and square off with the facts. Sigh. Seems like there are one in one thousand of those folks out there.