Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An unconscionable legacy

Once again we are forced to listen to the complete nonsense of the man in residence at PA Ave. Naturally - lodestar journalist Helen Thomas hit the description of his legacy, on the money, when asked about that legacy today on Democracy now ... Thomas said, "unconscionable".

Sadly the lack of real journalistic oversight, coupled with nothing but fluff on the boob tube, is in good measure responsible for the misinformed, or uninformed public at large. What can be done about that in a society were upwards of 14% are unable to read - I have no idea. Once again I am just happier that I am older and in the last tier of my own life since I suffer the thought of the future.

Today, another of my journalistic idols at The Automatic Earth - have turned me onto the "Bird and Fortune" video clips (see below). Through very erudite satire this duo has hit all the nail-heads regarding our financial crises. This is perhaps made even more humorous by the fact that I may actually still know folks who could listen to their machinations and have the dialog go over their heads. I do hope they take on B. Madoff. Oh woe is me.

In closing let me say Ms. Thomas has again made the most succinct and accurate remark regarding her expectations of the Obama presidency -- that is that "he needs to develop more courage". Somehow I am always, in agreement with Helen. And anyone not reading The Automatic Earth might want to take up the habit for 2009 since it is a great summation of day to day events.

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