Saturday, December 23, 2006

For all seasons

Being newly carpeted, one feels able to surmount the next round of contractor struggles. Friend Sheila has said that the contractors in Wales are the "worst"...I'm not convinced they could be any less responsive than those in my new home area.

However here is my new neighbor with the fluffy tail (no doubt tale to tell too) - Hans, and his person Theresa. Unwilling to be held by a stranger, Hans was reluctant for a photo at all - but he did tread all four paws onto the new carpeting and poke his head inside my new apartment. So two more weeks and I'm residing in my new flat...probably permanently on the phone trying to find contractors to do something. As of 12/29/06 no word from said contractor on any level. What a world.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

In a fog

Since Henry Kissinger is in a fog about how to resolve the Iraq conundrum, whatever shall we do. Finding our way back out of this horrendous nightmare will take more years than it took to create the destruction. His recent silly statements regarding "this" unnecessary war, when he knows full well we did not win in Viet Nam - we flew off the rooftops middle of the night in the 1970's in defeat? He must be on Prozac.

Not that I am NOT very happy that the Democrats did win across the board in the last elections. But most of us do realize that they have years and years worth of laws that must be rescinded, a supreme court system that is pumped up with truly dangeous zealots, and a destroyed military in terms of worn out troups and broken equipment. Could we actually protect this country in a true emergency?

Step into the fog of the future. As I looked off the balcony in my new place, at the cocoon-like yacht's wrapped for winter's worst - the only bright spot is that personally I feel finally in a more secure space. Six flights up seems safe from cat burglars. And I can watch the games of the rich and famous as they play toy boat with their ...erm big equipment, below me. And settle into the fog.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Under Construction...Moving on

Soon I'll be viewing life from a different meridian line...about as far north as I could get and still remain here.
With habeas corpus now a thing of the past in this country, I must stifle most of my normal comments by and large. Mendacity prevails in life. Everyone is in, or lives in one state or another. In most cases, that state is the state of denial. Woodward's book, Kerry's botched cynicism.
In the face of actual chaos reining in the middle east, the government still maintains it is making progress. In the face of total co-dependency, many people perpetuate false lifestyles. Arsenic and old lace - solutions for a hypocritical life based on who is using whom, to best advantage. It applies to corporations, governments and individuals. The dynamic only works, as long as both individuals or ideological groups, remain useful.
Who would want to live their life hiding from the truth. Definitely not me, thanks. Will I be able to continue to write in this very stifled environment: stay tuned for a different kind of news in my solitary life. Can I manage without the freedom to rant about greed, avarice and obfuscation? Perhaps. The future is a giant question mark punctuated by my muffled screaming.
Sid Cesar and Immogene Coca did a comedy piece in the late 1950's where he (playing a restaurant waiter) spills hot soup into the lap of Immogene. As she screams, Sid tells her "scream into the napkin please!...we don't want to annoy the patrons..."

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

THANK YOU! Keith Olberman

Movement, finally movement. Orwell certainly must be watching all this from some remote location because he deserves to be watching.

On one of the C-span call in programs today, I gagged listening to a female caller pointing out that President Clinton was lying again in his retort to Fox News' Chris Wallace's crummy question during an interview this weekend. The caller said "Well Bill was wagging his finger - exactly like he did when he lied about not having sex with THAT woman... during the Lewinski scandal...". Blah blah blah.

For some years now I have questioned Clinton's coziness with the other members of the Bush family. But I could never have formed such alliances myself - so I cringed every time there was a photo op with President Clinton and Bush senior!! It's not just being a liberal Democrat we are talking about here. Actually the feeling defies description.

Apparently it still is not obvious to many in the public that the Lewinski scandal - and all the other attempts to discredit President and Mrs. Clinton during their time in the White House - were put forth as a starting point to create the atmosphere we live in now! That atmosphere: one of nearly total submersion in false, watered-down, or misrepresented and/or propagandized information? I recognized what was going reminded me of the P.R. during a merger.

Television has become one giant infomercial. Keith Olberman's commentary today on President Clinton's retort to Chris Wallace's ....erm question - is an accurate and beautifully worded depiction of exactly what is happening, and what is at stake here. Starting in the mid 1980 I've faced and lived in similar situations with various employers due to the looming corporate mergers and reorganizations and downsizings that preempted my ability to hold a permanent job.

Perfunctorily my life was never the same. And at various break points I tried to talk to those around me about the reality of jobs being shipped abroad to call centers, how the contractor labor fees were given a boost through tax deductibility, and how the workers rights were one at a time being taken away and eroded. Many of us in this generation are dying rather young. My own life does not stretch out with pleasant possibilities brought about by a deep pension and padded bank account. All that remains is to not go quietly.

Boring as it has been for some to listen to me...and much as that has eroded or killed friendships, the only thing that does remain is for the truth of what has happened, to be brought out into the cold harsh light of day. There are still generations maturing who will have to live in, what remains of this world. Thank you Keith!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Speakers: Silence is Golden?

Silence in the august body of the UN. What salient point was missed by our ivy league university educated leader, that left his audience looking dour - potentially even resembling that proverbial "oil painting"?

Inferring we are the positive and beneficent force for good - while our adversaries are the embodiment of evil? Just about as laughable as his holiness's subliminal suggestion through quotation of historical documents, inferring past Muslim wars and religious protocols caused more unnecessary bloodshed than the infamous Christian Holy Wars? Or that these mortals were perhaps worse or somehow more immoral than the sexually abusive behavior of more than a smattering of Catholic priests!

Men in charge here seem to have no training or understanding of statesmanship - much less of foreign policy, relations or religious doctrines beyond their own back yard experiences. We should all be deeply ashamed such people were "elected" (which of course they truly were not) or allowed to, hold office. Are we (as a nation) the 3 monkeys? grrrrr

Friday, September 15, 2006

For "Pete's" Sake

oooEEE What a week. Hmmm there's trouble in River City. And here I am, with mostly the same expression as friend Beardy's puzzy cat, waiting on a Coup d'état of some measurable degree. With rancor, it seems apparent some amount of dissention is transforming a few in the neocon camp. It's about time. If it is real, thank you Colin Powell.

Although perhaps it's just political expediency with the elections looming large? Put a good face on what has been seething in the background. After all these years of constant erosion, our policies no longer resemble what the constitution - much less the people - intended. Today there was another meeting, with attendance by yet others of "that" party and televised, including actual real life experts on middle east policy, politics and religious groups - regarding what is the best "path" to follow to extract our weary troups from the the kindest and quickest sense.

That is to say, real intellectual experts on these issues, as opposed to the photo-op paid individuals placed in front of the public who supported the plans and desires of this administration. Individuals of no integrity, who long ago lost their ethical compass.

Far from convinced yet, I sit in my bedroom tea in hand with much the same expression as Beardy's cat. Gentlemen start your engines. Keep this going and let's not falter or stop now, we have many long years of corruption to put to right, rewritten and inverted laws to put to a new vote, many disowned human rights that need assurance that in the future, this country will return to what it once was. Then I will feel an air of confidence again: but we've a long way to travel. (Photo with permission of my friend Beardy)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Perfect Storm of Too Much Information

A reality check? How? Where? Certainly not on CNN or any other major broadcast network news daily offerings, can we find moot information on today's crucial problems. With his flood pants hiked up around his whatsit, hourly rehashing of John Mark Karr's expensive extradition to the U.S. regarding the JonBenet Ramsey murder, stormed the airways 24/7 for the past several weeks. With an obvious attention-grabbing seizure of his moment of fame, from an also obviously not mentally stable man such as Karr, a few minutes of this coverage would have been enough for most sober thoughtful people.

Grrr What the heck is going on! Pouring over real estate offerings trying to find a new home during this out-take in time, I hoped for an escape from 'suffering' through total immersion in such a seedy sleazy story. Bright red from angry jabbing, my fingers ached: the buttons on my remote control could not find a station (or time) where Karr's face wasn't ever present. Not that the civil war in Iraq, the tenuous cease fire in the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict, the lack of progress in New Orleans reconstruction, the upcoming machinations over raising the minimum wage, or the questionable Diebold voting machine use in the fall elections - is of any importance.

Nope. Nada thing! Instead we have insipid prattle over vacuous topics...the night of writing this, the topic of choice was the issue over whether Katie "C's" promotional photo was airbrushed to give her a thinner appearance! Gag. Spam disguised as news. News comprised of spam. Omniscient writers ceating clever obfuscations through carefully worded propaganda in the guise of news! A total marginalization of the blood-curdlingly serious issues of our times.

Mundane uninteresting life events have taken over and been spun into a perfect storm through the use of titillatingly sleazy subject-matter punctuated by colorful videos into a fusion and cacaphony of complete drivel. It is no different than watching commercial wrestling.

Follow the yellow brick road...ermmm. A vanguard expression is that if ones throws enough excrement against a wall, a certain amount will stick. The wall in this case is the American public, numbed by decades of vacuous sitcoms, reality programming, faux news and the lifestyles of the rich and witless. Behind curtain number one, the wizards (one of whom may yet turn out to be the antichrist) in the form of TweedleRumDumb and TweedleDeChainsman and dRoveOfhearts are in charge. Or is it the Bushmeister, with his Queen of Heartless mum Barbed herself?

Fearful, loathing, shocked and awefully "confused" am I: this is the Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue. Oddly, I am proud to be labelled confused. Journalists stand-up...the time is nigh. We are way PAST "Time" for everyone to show gumption. Everyone else - turn off the boob tube, pickup the remaining real newspapers - and educate yourselves before it is too late. Register to vote if you have not done so...and prepare to fight through the next elections.

The grim reaper's bell tolls for us all if we remain idle and following along in a herd in the same group-think mentality that got us into this nightmare.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

No Plans

How can my head spin worse than ever, while I still must move forward with some plan for what remains of my life. Day to day video clips and verbal outtakes snap my mind back from mundane thoughts to reality. Reared by two genetically pessimistic parents, it probably would have been impossible for me to look on things in a sanguine way, even on days when my own personal history had good days.

After waking and sipping part of a cup of tea I turn to one of the 24 hour news channels and hesitatingly glance at the latest fracas. Finding Mel Gibson drunk on the highways of Malibu...well that would be a typical news days in recent years - the sort of news however that society here immerses itself in; ignoring in the main the horrors going on all around them. Sad to be among those who "needs to know" as opposed to the societal ostriches, I view the latest death counts in Iraq and miscellaneous other bad news. Nuts.

Having literally been at home 24/7 during the Watergate hearings, I was barely 26 at the time and yet knew what I was witnessing. Driving an hour to get on a train into work in NYC several years before this, I had long since realized the manipulation going on in the background in corporate America. Feeling the pulse of the grey city, listening to ice cubes clink in glasses riding the bar car on the Westchester Express - my days were nights and nights days. A sense of aggravation and disgust often rode with me: my life has almost never been my own.

Minimum wage. What horrible premise do those making millions of dollars a year, who belly up to the oyster bar daily, find to justify their right to even "set" such an UNLIVEABLE hourly wage for hard working class people? Beats me. Always did. And then to afford themselves yearly raises for working what in 2006 amounts to approximately 80 days out of the calendar year! Please. Why am I then forced to watch the TV clip at the G8 summit of our witless leader chewing out of the side of his mouth, spewing epithets and calling out to another world leader, "Yo!". Way beyond crass and tasteless. Dodododo.... the twilight zone. A death knell for our society. A total world wide disassociation to the fact that "collateral damage" is killing of innocent humans. Bombing and destroying lands and buildings justified in the name of achieving an end to terror? when in fact that killing is the same as terror. Why can't these people all sit down to a table and talk until they work out their differences? Why in this year and age are we still testosterone pumped only by acts of aggression - not by a gentle kindly settlement or a thought-out resolution to a problem. All the president's men know - they wrote the document leading into this era. And the secretary needs another pair of Ferragamo's. There cannot possibly be any mirrors in Washington.
Most days I wish I was already gone - how's that for sarcasm.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'd Rather be Honest

Rather was thrown to the lions while “acting as spokesperson” for his TV network news program story regarding the military service of our ne’er-do-well leader. Personally forced to acknowledge that the information questioning this military services’ reality, Dan Rather became the scapegoat and his career permanently tarnished.

Was this information compiled by the journalists at the station, correct and accurate, or was it inaccurate, will probably never even be reviewed again until I am long buried in my grave. Another obfuscation of the moral majority, forced on the public: the life career of a strong man - sullied as part of this ongoing smokescreen of lies.

Rather is not going quietly and I am proud of him. Why should he go into the night without comment - his life and integrity were called into question. Relating on my own level, in the 1980’s the only way I was able to keep myself working, was to register with five different “temporary” agencies in a neighboring State. Neighboring state because my own community, even in those days owned and operated by this same group of thieves now in power in Washington, would provide me no employment due to knowedge of my medical issues (and Democratic party focus).

At a stint as personal assistant to the Chair of Aerospace Engineering at one of the countries top 4 ivy league universities (during those years), I soon confronted the realities within academia. Massive 6-foot whiteboards covered the walls in rooms adjoining the Chair’s personal office. While the Chair was on a seasonal break, I was able to study the lists handwritten on those whiteboards. Then, during an interlude over lunch with a professor friend who was part of another department, I had the opportunity to ask about the meanings of the whiteboards and their notations.

Ah academia. My father taught as assistant professor at a small local college. He was maligned, held back, and brutalized by the management of the college - also part of that same community in which I was unable to find work...(where I grew up - and later lived over 30 years). The whiteboards at this very famous prestigious university, listed “gifts and bequeaths” (and name of the professor who had culled the dollars) to the university on the one hand, or “papers written by professors” in various departments, or outright monetary gifts along with the name of the professor having brought-in the dollars. My professor friend said that... in turn, a departments funding was cut, or staffing was cut (his own department had been cut by 1 full time professor) - due to the professors in that department, having fallen behind in these “areas” - gifts and bequeaths, donations, and papers published by each professor.

“Publish or Perish” is a phrase familiar to most in academia, especially at the higher levels. My father knew it well and did his best to continue his private research and publish journals or articles where he could. It was never enough and in the end, the college was responsible for my father’s early demise.

Dan Rather’s moment on 60 Minutes as spokesman for this story should never have led to his removal from the program much less the station. Knowing all we now know about the depth of lies by this administration, I would feel more certain that the information regarding our leader’s absence from National Guard military service, was accurate. Carry on Dan - and take no prisoners.

With the ongoing palaver in the Senate and feet-dragging over raising the minimum wage this week ....even to a still-unliveable meager dollar amount, do we need constant convincing that we are now living in a totally reverse universe where lies rule the day in every quarter?

Even denial has become blind and anonymous.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Archie and lessons

From early childhood on, most of us have lives that contained animal stories. The family dog or cat...or other beloved pet. Hardly a year has gone by that I don't still have a tear in my eye or lump in my throat remembering one of my past buddies.

Racehorse Barbaro had an awful day this weekend. Pivotal and perhaps life-ending leading into hours of surgery, luckily at one of the U.S.'s best veterinary hospitals. Clenching my teeth and getting through the video of his accident, I was overcome by his 'heart' and need to go on, despite a broken foreleg and ankle.

Archie and I met a year ago in Scotland. He was but a baby boy of five months, and after one attempt at a "tug"...I didn't try to coax him out of the barn and his mother's sight. He had a bad start and was unwell for months, but the wee Clydesdale survived, to grow into a stallion who still has, that same soft kindness in his face. Amazing. Animals like people either have something about them, or they don't. On that cloudy windy day in the Scottish country I knew this horse was something. A winner and a gentleman.

Today's news contained information regarding the latest study done on hurricane Katrina and the New Orleans levees. Not surprisingly, the facts coming forward are about bad engineering, cheap shortcuts, and lack of maintenance. Most highways in America can be used as examples of our infrastructure: total decay. Bridges are also seldom repaired until they fall apart, killing people.

So now - we focus on the illegals in our society - and get ready to pass some legislation - suggesting we.... create documents for some xx millions already here (through our Homeland Security Department?)...right prior to the onset of hurricane season? The same Homeland Security that suggests duct tape? Oh dear lord help us all. The immigration problem has been around for years and has not been addressed. Corporate farmers and their greed created this problem - that and Mexico's near financial collapse.

Day to day I am more disgusted with humanity - their attention so easily diverted, and their hearts so quickly...fractured into old prejudices. The issues of immigration and gay rights are only diversions, in the case of this administration. Gore Vidal recently inferred that we are going to eat ourselves alive, from within, because of our prejudices. Where are the bright strong men to bring into focus, the terrors that lie beneath the surface...the faltering economy and catastrophic debt owed to (in fact) some countries that are, anything but our friends.

Where's the truth.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Secret ! Confidential, Private...and NOYDB

I got my EYE on you...
I got my "I" on you

"Raped by a bunch of carnival carney's"...the quote of the day from "The Daily Show" as to what has been done to the U.S. public by our current commandos in Washington.

Ah ha! that is about how I felt this week hearing about Exxon's retiring officer Lee Ramond receiving an exit package worth $389 million dollars. What???? That wouldn't add dollars to our gasoline prices would it?

Most Americans are now surfing the net daily to find the current best gasoline price at their nearby service station, hoping to not waste 5 gallons of gas, to find 5 cents off the cheapest price in town. We are down to that now. We aren't wined and dined by lobbyists - we don't belly up to the oyster bar daily - much less weekly.

Our thrills mostly fall in the area of 10/10 prices at the food store, and holding our breath when the electric bill arrives. Yaill to the Chief! There's not a lot remaining of what had been the U.S. I know - I grew up here.

Friday, March 31, 2006


Light and dark - great shadows in this apartment. Shadows of what once was and free of the darkness associated with disaffected neighbors and their rude behaviors!

Lovely quiet place here by and large. All the usual things going on, but with a normal spirit so far. With the smart silver machine newly resting on my desktop and my fleamarket boxes ready to go, I am ready for the next more significant moves. Ready to find my final destination and beyond ready, to walk away from ongoing pressures.

Would that some knight in shining armour appeared to bail out the shattered function of government here. Amazing when one lone man tries to stand-up for a completely rational chastizing of our idiot king and no other person has the strength to support him. All in all my own faith in people has partly departed.

Without the grating sound of high performance mechanics in my ear night and day, I must content myself with small pleasures. Relief: away from Steppford. Sunlight streaming through blinds and the quiet.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Mostly people don't stop by as often when you cease posting. I ceased functioning there - briefly, with the hazards of moving. The movers...broke all the casters off my one good television stand, lost most of the pegs needed for my secondary shelves in my office, and
successfully buried the key important boxes behind a wall, of all the others
boxes (labeled as such - a matter which was reviewed on
move day - with the movers in person)
Like comedian Ron White says "Next time you have a thought, let it go..."

So after huffing and struggling - on day 3 I found my short-list supply of silverware. Day 4-5, my handcream, etc. An Adventure in Moving! Harumph!!!

I now also have a cable provider - as phone provider. The anomalies going along with that, led me to - divert my fractured personna from shuffling boxes, into an online search for another site - where I could congregate with my chat buddies -- in a group, again! Hmmm not as easy as it would seem. While googling on that issue - and slapping my newly-reattached fax machine (because the phone with reasonably easy to program...answering machine, was also buried...) for weird lapses in message taking...

I discovered the call-waiting in the "cable company phone service" - doesn't "bleep". Well I guess it... does a static chirp? no chirp isn't it. not that either. Anyhow the point is, it isn't discernable. So week three in my new abode, I wade into the "voicemail" of this new system - only to find several - confused messages!!

AArgh. Long story short I came across "SightSpeed" in my googling. I read through the info and found it doesn't support my g3 iB. Rats. But the site is well structured, and the group looks I messaged the key player. He wrote back - and then phoned! Poor fella -- my fax machine recorded part of the conversation (slap!) I think, things are still, outta control here a bit!!!

Long story - checkout It's a serious group - not for the "voyeur in waiting" crowd...and supports Mac and PC users. Yup - sounds like me (that is the clothes on, broad daylight, let's not scare the horses, crowd). Guess I must get a new machine... well, I knew that!

Photos of the flat to follow shortly.

Ah technology. So now there's Skype - or SightSpeed. But since one was bought by a biggie conglomerate...I worry it will lose it's user friendliness. Time will tell. Best wishes to the SightSpeed staff.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Good Listener?


Sorry, I can't hear you... Second cartoon from the front of my refrigerator - now in pieces due to age. Again, don't remember creator or timeframe so I'm hoping to be forgiven for using same. How appropriate though in view of current scenarios...all the rioting in Denmark and globally. Each day finds me more grateful to be the older person I am.

lalalalalala...index finger right and left hand - stuck into the appropriate eardrum. Overload - mental overload of bolshoy! sheer unadulterated crap pumped out by various representatives in our governmental offices each day. Another zap to our freedoms and another match taken to any benefits we used to have, as a taxpayer. How can these folks look at themselves in the bathroom mirror, at all.

Ford Maddox Ford wrote a book entitled "The Good Soldier" (turn of the century I think...) and it was made into a film years and years ago. It was about a man who lived in a middle class community (as best I recall) ...and who like most of us in life, had a local female (in his case) admirer. He wanted more though, and was overcome by the surface beauty of another young woman - of position, breeding, and affluence. Barely noticing the possibly kinder gentler woman from his same station in life, he naturally married the titled young woman.

Ah ha! But what he got in the end, was his due. This young woman had severe mental problems... and throughout the course of their marriage, he "soldiered" on with one unhappy and often quite unpleasant scenario, after another. There was a line in the story to wit...."Why couldn't 'we' all find happiness within a normal range of choices. Why did we all seek the unattainable. Everything was there to be had, but we all ended up with, exactly what we did not want.

Is this true of all of us today, as a culture? What choice was there that we did not look upon because it wasn't shiny enough, or 'enough' in some regard? lalalalalalala I have looked and I did try and choose based on a realistic value system. What I often got into, was the falsehood of someone or somethings having it on, at my expense. I'm not listening any longer.

Monday, February 06, 2006

WinD oO0's

How much is that doggie in the WindO...

Can't remember where I got this cartoon, or what it was from. Stuck to the front of my refrigerator by magnets, it even moved with me from my last residence -- and that was fifteen years ago. LoL Listening to the reports on the new Macintosh computers and the current bug fixes on various sites, it seems the transition is a bit bumpy? The cartoon made it through scanning, but now lies in pieces (too much exposure I guess).

Strap yourself in. Brace yourself. Wait for life in the land of the free, home of the brave after the axe falls with the budget. Omg. Visiting my new digs today I thought to meeself...hmn...can this be a bunker? Can I sandbag the perimeter? There is a brief patch of trees in certain places...will those hide me, in lieu of a big vast forest? Somehow I doubt it.

Ruddy rude way to enter into the last chapter of my own life...with fear and loathing. Oh where is Thompson when you need him. Nuts...long gone. Back in the mid 1980's at the software firm I worked for, my boss got the bright idea to remove a task from another staff member, and assign it to me -, like, over night? That nearly created a complete breach of friendship between myself and the woman, who formerly managed said tasks.

Thinking about it now, I believe they were about to perhaps "terminate her employment"...we were on the cusp of what turned into 3! merger/reorganization ordeals. I waded into the additional work grousing to myself -- and I told Susan upfront inside a day, that I had "not requested" or suggested this work be given to me. Our friendship was saved.

So who's going to come clean in this fix we are in now. Save the day. Life never returned to a reasonable position after the first merger in 1983. Feels like life is going out the window today. We need fresh air, honest men, laws torn up and started afresh. I am too bloody old and tired for this.