Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Women w/adam's apple accuses who? of what?

Ann Coulter needs to be on unemployment, thank you very much. What a week with the likes of Scooter Libby having the audacity to go after an appeal in the court system. And we should pardon him? Please! Nothwithstanding that Patrick Fitzgerald was apparently somewhat culpable regarding issues pertaining to bin Laden way back when (so perhaps his actions are penance, or is this just another diversionary tactic [my cynicism knows no bounds with D.C. right now])... what is the world coming to.

Journalists of course are no longer journalists by and large; but HAD the actual evidence of this administration's imperialistic mindset and/or the original document written years before we immersed ourselves in this debacle come to light, would the public have paid attention?

With American Idol and drivel like most of the reality TV shows holding sway, along with the Roman games in the form of sporting events, taking the attention of a percentage of the rest of the public - who is minding the store? Robert Frisk of London's Independent paper writes that since many people never considered the residents of this country (Iraq) worthy of their concern in the first place, it's only been the rude reality of the emptying of our coffers and our own soldiers deaths that have finally awakened the public. Not everyone sadly - but from personal observation I went hoarse for the first few years of this war, trying to break the spell of the propaganda even among my friends for Pete's sake.

Calling John Edwards a faggot is humorous coming from a "woman" whose adam's apple is larger than most men's. She even walks like a man, and other than being the American ideal of thin and rich - there is nothing feminine or appealing about this broad. Coarse.

The hubris of this remark in view of the fact that there are actually video clips of Rudy Giuliani in drag standing aside Donald Trump. And many in the public sector are supposedly supporting Giuliani? They should research the "vulture loans" and how many huge sums bilked from third world countries (through these loans and their perpetrators) have been fed back into the campaigns of the likes of W and 'supposedly' Giuliani?

And Rudy? Wasn't Rudy in good measure responsible for not protecting workers in the 9/11 cleanup? Not to mention his actions which, while cleaning up street violence, often resorted to extreme tactics in doing so - and his welfare reforms which threw huge numbers of people into the red zone of nothingness? It is time for the public to get rid of their amnesia and also to start reading.

Also we are long overdue for the Republican party overall to take a harsh look at the bombastic blowhards like Limbaugh and a cast of thousands whose personal lives won't hold up to any close scrutiny. How many have been involved in scandals surrounding double lives, thieving and pilfering of public funds - and in the case of those now highest up - downright lies leading into national fiscal bankruptcy and the murdering of hundreds of thousands in the Middle East?

Ann Coulter just fits right in with the rest of these invidivuals...just another corrupt, strange being. And this week, another Republican male cutie has turned out to be gay...shown in photos with Coulter? Homosexuality is not an illness or a "choice" - and this is another area where the public (especially in the U.S.) needs to grow the "f" up. There are good and bad folks in that sector of society - just as there are in all the other groups. It is the lifetime concealment of the fact that carries with it, inherent dangers and hypocrisy.

Time to connect the dots. Follow the money. Vulture funds - forced resignations of Federal Judges - campaign funding and full disclosure. I vote we give every candidate X amount of free TV/radio airtime and disallow ALL funding over $100 - and make it illegal to work through laws and form groups for the soul purpose of creating a 'workaround' to go beyond the laws. Throw out lobbying all together. I'll be buried and gone and won't be holding my breath.