Saturday, July 09, 2005


Greed, avarice, obfuscation, and arrogance has led to an unjustifiable war. The elders in all nations must sit down and stop this now. And there must be a leveling of resources in the world to find that higher plain. Nothing should be about money or oil. Everything is only about human beings, our animal friends, and the planet.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Black on black, what a day. So something is only allowed to “be” confidential if the ownership of that data or information is the government or some corporate entity. Today there is very little difference between those two groups, and what could be sadder for a country founded on idealistic principles.

Never willing to play victim in any situation, life or professional, my history definitely testifies to how anonymous you are unless you ‘go along’. With my hands processing, copying or typing or both – with my eyes averted, I still realized and saw documents pertaining to the next corporate buyout. Certain types of financial ‘runs’ are only produced when the bottom line is being examined carefully in buyout situations – corporate or otherwise.

Facts are undeniable. However, with our televised media rife with pseudo-reality shows, and a society transfixed by the fakery of stardom and fantasy – will actual day to day reality, even matter any longer? Once upon a time I wanted to join the ranks of those who investigate hard issues. My heart is with Judith Miller, and my hopes with the New York Times that they hold the line.

Frankly I cannot consider anyone male, worth much unless they have their integrity. And then along with that, I look for and hope for, bottle. As a culture we will not have a culture, if the integrity at the core of our government is gone. Men still run this world – so will the real men stand up and please, take it back.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bought the Farm

Once upon a time there came a day, when a man’s land was no longer theirs – not really. You could buy it – at whatever exorbitant price was asked in downtown Steppford….but it wasn’t really yours any longer! The brown tinged tintype photo shows my great grandmother on the porch, of what was, the family farm in (yes) Kansas.

Sandra Day O’Connor stepped down from her judicial post today, and one wonders what kind of ‘comp’ she received in doing so. We now have what amounts to a “hat trick”…in terms of any possible fairness ever again having a voice in our court systems.

In Tijuana I woke the morning after the wedding, before I realized what had wakened me. It was a rooster crowing…in the middle of town! In a rather posh area of town too, and though it was a rather rude hour to wake when I hadn’t been in bed more than an hour or two, nonetheless I giggled as I lay there.

Will we ever have a thing to giggle about again? Personally I feel dazed and confused. How is everyone else doing with current events? Good thing I must now sell the farm anyhow, that’s my feeling.