Sunday, January 21, 2007

The bug light

Here I am. Bugged to be sure - so here is a photo taken today of the bug light which appears outside my windows. Up close it is lovely - the area maintains most things well, which is wonderful in my opinion.

Fort William resides near the main lighthouse, about three miles south. It is one of the most photographed lighthouses in America. Fort William itself is falling apart, but I am hopeful reading articles in the current papers that it will soon be taken in hand and repaired. The ruins there date to the late 1800's and are vast and interesting.

Taking my time over lunch at Becky's diner today I do feel I'm home. It is wonderful here. If or when I ever shake the rest of the life issues that have me by the throat, I should start enjoying myself before it is too late. I visited one pub today for a walk through...seems to have most of the good UK lagers, ales and beers on tap - another good sign.

Anyhow it's me and the 'bug' light. The view is never worn or tiring - just spectacular.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Home at last

Dandan definitely holds the 5-star rating for troubles this past week, but I did have my usual black cloud. Most of that naturally had to do with my remaining parent. Since I've yet to hear from the doctor, I perhaps cynically can assume the events of this week were just more of same. Having also the 'born again' landlords from Hades, the week rounded out with my having to pay off ever last morsel of the last two months rent - all for a place under construction nearly all of the ten months I was repacking there. No peaceful enjoyment of a costly apartment there!

Consolation of leaving though was knowing that 'maintenance's' third return (having to of course interrupt me four days before my move, 1st up in the AM) to "repair" the still leaking brand new toilet off the main bedroom - is that on leaving, it is still leaking! There is a god.

Dandan I must add that my car did inject it's own two cents into the week with the "Service Engine" light brightly shining in my face - the same day as the toilet repair visit (or, 4 days from move date) - despite just HAVING HAD.... proper maintenance the week before. ah ha! But I know a trick or two and luckily had one remaining can of 'dry gas'...which I added to the gastank - that resolved that.

And having stomach cramps of anticipation about the 'sort' of moving men I would encounter this time...I was LUCKY!! I had two very kind, sweet fellows who did agree I'd done a heck of a job organizing it all - got the huge tractortrailer loaded up and were out my door inside 2 hours flat. Not a finger mark on the apartment walls - no cleanup. Another four hours and a friend and I exited the parking area forever - his truck, laden with the refrigerator contents and the sum total of all the cleaning supplies I had hassled with just a year before (all from mother's apartment too mind you).

Today was equally warm to yesterday - temperatures in the 70 degree F. ranges - so I've got the balcony door open and sea breezes floating into the living area. Nothing to sit on but a webbed lawn chair, but I'm in heaven with the view. A large rusting barge floated through the harbour entrance earlier and I thought how fitting, since I'm about in the same kind of condition myself. But I'm here - I'm home now.