Saturday, November 26, 2005

Forest for the Trees

Ah so what. You are back here…not there. Mentally, you are still there anyhow. Often wondered if those who always live in beautiful surroundings have the same perspective. Before changing to my current location, I had a spectacular view of the wooded hillside through my bedroom window – could lie in bed and watch the moon rise. Each season had it’s own beauty in that flat…I never tired of it.

But finances and timing only allowed me to remain there fourteen years…lol. When I was moving, it seemed “that” length of time, was indeed too short. Hillsides and greenery and skylines never diminish in their beauty and the older I get the more important it becomes to ‘be there’ again. This "space" has been homey...but after another 15 years here - it is still, nothing but a space.

Probably I cannot hope for anything as special as my picture window views in Ayr, but I sure recon I will darned well try to find a place with a similar feeling. Tempest fugit, as they say – and I’m getting too long in the tooth to be livin in a place I disdain. Sigh. It’s gonna be a long winter, and another year maybe, but I hope I find “home” this time.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

aaRgh! Yohoho & a bottle of Grey Goose

Who would ever want to see such escalations of violence happening in the world. Certainly not I, since I have not visited enough places on the planet.

Walking the plank wearing a Rollex and designer clothes though, is a thought that probably never crossed the minds of the sorts of folks taking $5M/week cruises today. And that they and their mortality may be in jeopardy now and in the future? hmn...doubt they ever thought about their safety in those terms.

The clandestine theft of most of the world's wealth - well Balzac had it right when he said "Behind every great fortune lies a crime". On any moonlit night, there is nothing new about this fact, or these processes. However, the world is now overpopulated in many places - and our resources dwindling down. The concept of actually really sharing, never took hold - no matter the century or locale.

Not my comment several years ago (that we were approaching a time when the rich folks were no longer going to be safe in the streets), nor world history seems interested in bringing about more realistic and measured thinking into the everyday values of those fortunate few at the pinacle of their "careers": sharing, caring, and trying to conserve.

And now I have to retract my defense of Judith Miller of the NY Times supposedly protecting 'confidentiality of her source' too - since I realize her imprisonment was due to her own hubris at needing to be a Washington & top shelf newsroom "player"... time may provide the actual truth that she was protecting the vice president himself. And the fox is not only in the hen-house, but we have bought the farm I fear.

Greed, obfuscation and puritanism (create an anagram using the first letters of those words). Sad sad times. Good thing a "cruise" would never have been a choice for me. I will take the train and take my chances.