Friday, September 15, 2006

For "Pete's" Sake

oooEEE What a week. Hmmm there's trouble in River City. And here I am, with mostly the same expression as friend Beardy's puzzy cat, waiting on a Coup d'état of some measurable degree. With rancor, it seems apparent some amount of dissention is transforming a few in the neocon camp. It's about time. If it is real, thank you Colin Powell.

Although perhaps it's just political expediency with the elections looming large? Put a good face on what has been seething in the background. After all these years of constant erosion, our policies no longer resemble what the constitution - much less the people - intended. Today there was another meeting, with attendance by yet others of "that" party and televised, including actual real life experts on middle east policy, politics and religious groups - regarding what is the best "path" to follow to extract our weary troups from the the kindest and quickest sense.

That is to say, real intellectual experts on these issues, as opposed to the photo-op paid individuals placed in front of the public who supported the plans and desires of this administration. Individuals of no integrity, who long ago lost their ethical compass.

Far from convinced yet, I sit in my bedroom tea in hand with much the same expression as Beardy's cat. Gentlemen start your engines. Keep this going and let's not falter or stop now, we have many long years of corruption to put to right, rewritten and inverted laws to put to a new vote, many disowned human rights that need assurance that in the future, this country will return to what it once was. Then I will feel an air of confidence again: but we've a long way to travel. (Photo with permission of my friend Beardy)

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