Sunday, February 04, 2007

Gulls @Noon

Well the camera lens did freeze, so I missed the best shot. There is a gaggle of gulls that apparently maintains permanent residence at the local McD's near me. This fall I got in on a few arguments as I stopped at he dollar store...opening my car door, at first not knowing "what" I was hearing...
wah wah wah..... bullflog throatiness.... clack clack...

They have discovered it is easier to pick from the trash at the McD's than fly over the bay diving into the icy water for fish? hmm does this denote intelligence? I would say yes. Do birds suffer high cholesterol? pfft - we as a society worry about our health ad nauseum! So, I got out of my car to try for an artistic shot, but the gulls thought I was there to feed them and shot up into the air - flying around my head. They were very polite - I felt bad having no crackers or bread to give them. A few seconds in the air and they all landed simultaneously (you could almost hear a universal 'sigh'). Snapping the shot - I then got back in the car to return to the flat
taking the second photo at a local pond/skating area.

Weekly there are normal friendly sights here. And people do for the most part mind their own business in this place - unlike my former turf. I feel at home. I spent part of today over at the harbor walking and getting familiar. Very unthreatening, and with the bright crisp wind at my back now, I took a deep breath. A final piece of good luck for me, finding this home.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I liked your gulls and thought I would show you an old picture of a Welsh gull.
Try this..

They are actually nasty vicious birds here.