the RABBIT in the room
A white rabbit seems just the appropriate present for the arrival of my 2nd brand new nephew in Scotland. Welcome to the world Neil. Arriving during a veritable perfect storm of global issues, I can only hope that by time he and his cousin Ewan are grown, that the world has replaced greed, avarice and obfuscation with proper caring perspectives.
Passing of the rebuttal to the pressie's new surge plans in Iraq this week, took over three days of machinations...during which how many more lives were lost in the Middle East? While watching this I also managed to catch another news program showing information on something new - something called a "vulture fund" and this new work-around regarding how to bilk money out of third world countries! (probably not new - just newly being revealed to the general public)
Please look this up - any of you who do still read my blog -- since it relates to a billionaire in New York name of Singer, who is also a chief contributor to this pressie - as well as an organizer and contributor to Guiliani and his plans - and connected directly to Jack Abramoff and a host of other bad guys.
** link seems not to work - lookup "Singer and vulture funds" and you will find all sorts of current information
Seems manipulation of the stock market is not bad enough - add in all the pilfered monies in not only Iraq, but monies taken from real needs in New Orleans during Katrina and ongoing - as well as from the Tsunami relief, is just not enough! Now these big crooks have found a way to - repurchase the original debtor relief loans made to third world countries, traffic them through the court systems in the UK - thereby somehow transferring that loan with huge unpaid balance and interest amounts tacked on - into the U.S. - and in turn directly to 1600 PA Avenue where the pressie can sign off on this.
The last piece is apparently where the third world country - is then OWING not the original loan amount of $10 million - but now owes someone like this man Singer (or others) $400 million, payment of which then empties the coffers of the country once and for all, eliminating all monies for schools, highways, infrastructure.
I understand extortion since I just received a 1-day turn around ambulance bill for $2,073 for a 10 mile trip of my mother from the nursing home to the hospital - back and forth in the January cold, despite the fact that she has a Living Will - and she herself requested "not" to be taken to hospital. Central Bucks Ambulance and United Medical Transport (from the nearby city) I am sure would blah blah me to death with their overhead and justifications for such billings were I to contact them about this blackmail, so no sense in raising my own bloodpressure. As if the $76m per year for the nursing home, is not enough. Sure this billing goes into Medicare, but a portion of it will not be covered and end up in my mailbox shortly. I personally consider this Medicare fraud - but then that's just me. It is a nice sunny day here and I'm choosing to enjoy it as much as I can.
Clearly though everything is out of control. And it is the crooks who are running everything - and I do mean 'everything'. The elephant or rabbit in the room is greed, avarice, obfuscation. Lies lies and more lies.