THANK YOU! Keith Olberman
Movement, finally movement. Orwell certainly must be watching all this from some remote location because he deserves to be watching.
On one of the C-span call in programs today, I gagged listening to a female caller pointing out that President Clinton was lying again in his retort to Fox News' Chris Wallace's crummy question during an interview this weekend. The caller said "Well Bill was wagging his finger - exactly like he did when he lied about not having sex with THAT woman... during the Lewinski scandal...". Blah blah blah.
For some years now I have questioned Clinton's coziness with the other members of the Bush family. But I could never have formed such alliances myself - so I cringed every time there was a photo op with President Clinton and Bush senior!! It's not just being a liberal Democrat we are talking about here. Actually the feeling defies description.
Apparently it still is not obvious to many in the public that the Lewinski scandal - and all the other attempts to discredit President and Mrs. Clinton during their time in the White House - were put forth as a starting point to create the atmosphere we live in now! That atmosphere: one of nearly total submersion in false, watered-down, or misrepresented and/or propagandized information? I recognized what was going reminded me of the P.R. during a merger.
Television has become one giant infomercial. Keith Olberman's commentary today on President Clinton's retort to Chris Wallace's ....erm question - is an accurate and beautifully worded depiction of exactly what is happening, and what is at stake here. Starting in the mid 1980 I've faced and lived in similar situations with various employers due to the looming corporate mergers and reorganizations and downsizings that preempted my ability to hold a permanent job.
Perfunctorily my life was never the same. And at various break points I tried to talk to those around me about the reality of jobs being shipped abroad to call centers, how the contractor labor fees were given a boost through tax deductibility, and how the workers rights were one at a time being taken away and eroded. Many of us in this generation are dying rather young. My own life does not stretch out with pleasant possibilities brought about by a deep pension and padded bank account. All that remains is to not go quietly.
Boring as it has been for some to listen to me...and much as that has eroded or killed friendships, the only thing that does remain is for the truth of what has happened, to be brought out into the cold harsh light of day. There are still generations maturing who will have to live in, what remains of this world. Thank you Keith!!