Sunday, October 23, 2005

Reality Baby

Apologizing to my friends, I've been beset with spam & advertising (left as comments),

Please do not put your adverts into my blog as comments. I am not male, so I am not interested in Viagra. If I was male, I would realize erectile dysfunction was nature's way of telling me it's time to slow down...or quit. One of the most unattractive things about some in this world, is their inability to realize or accept their actual age, their actual looks, and to take a hard look at their own behavior.
I hope I am not "part of the problem" in this world - I try to conserve: I care about the environment, I believe in the effect of my own actions or inactions on others around me. The only thing I am zealous about is trying to live an honest and caring life. It is not a compliment or positive feedback to crum up someone's blog with spam. GO AWAY...spam and spammers of this world - you are part of life's new pollution!!