Tuesday, November 04, 2008

YEA! We finally have done a right thing!

No person in their right mind would want the job of President of the U.S. in today's world. Our finances are that of the Titanic - our people demoralized by a never ending war that should never have been started. Many people out of their homes - even more on the fringe of disaster. No jobs. No healthcare except for the well to do. So here we are and now we have an African-American President. Many states still showed their colors though - and not just Republican colors... it is denial to not acknowledge that racism is still alive and well in this nation. However, I will hope that nothing bad happens to this young man and that he is able to "right" the ship of state - bring our troops home - and reunite the country into a place of unity and peace. Before I am gone. Congratulations President Obama and may the force be with you.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Pre-Election Fright

Hokey smoke 1 more day! I am so nervous... I am so afraid this election will be stolen (again!) and apparently I am not alone since even Michael Moore (one of my idols) said he felt that way in a recent interview on Democracy Now! It is a grand thing to finally have someone other than a caucasian in the running - and a terrifyingly sad thing to see racism again playing such a big role in the process. I had hoped to see and end to that in this country.

What a mess this whole campaign has been. It has been like a circus and not in any positive sense, including the millions wasted while the country is in fiscal decay. Whatever does happen, if the phoney baloney contingent steals this election then I must consider moving to another country. I cannot sit here and watch another four years of piracy and plundering. And if everyone in this country - this time - if the election is being stolen - does not take to the streets, en mass, then I have no hope left.

And lest anyone think I totally believe the Dem's - I do not. Surely Obama is kidding when he speaks of continuing the war in Afghanistan? Moore spoke about that too - and the very inadequate healthcare plans the Dems have? Come on - all nonsense and insufficient to help the middle class public like myself - much less the poor. I don't bite my nails, but I am thinking about it!!!