Mortgage Mendacity
December. Holiday time? Hard to feel the "joy" of the holidays when your family is about to go into foreclosure? With two friends in this situation right at this moment in time, I am wondering what the world will look like a year from now? With one friend here in my new location (and my favorite great carpenter/artist besides), and one back in my former home area... in this horrid situation because of balloon mortgages (or other deceptive practices involved in the mortgages they have) - I can't feel holidayish!
Pffft. While the politicians raise and blow billions on advertising campaigns to sway voters, the war continues ad nauseam, and as a nation we have taken our first step into being told where we can and cannot go in Asian waters by our key debt-holder? what will tomorrow bring? Good thing I got over Christmas and the holidays early on and was happy with a day where I had a pleasant dinner and no arguments among the participants!