Thank You...Keith Olbermann
The hubris of Giuliani. You used the wording I would have used Keith, and said most of the things that need saying regarding this "candidate". Except that his record is far far deeper in mud as far as I am concerned - some of the crispest of which relates to all those who were UNABLE to file to receive food stamps or housing at a poverty level, because his staff had made the necessary "forms" to make such petitions, conveniently unavailable!!
In a country as rich as this one, where illegals are now given free healthcare and all sorts of other benefits many citizens cannot gain access to - what about those in real need of food and housing for their families, living at the poverty line? How many thousands more went cold and hungry during your administration, so you could look good on the "cutting the welfare roles" record. Unforgiveable and heinous.
The patronage that went on during your years in New York is nothing new in the world of politics as usual. The aftermath of the WTC event on September 11, is yet another thing. Any fool - and perhaps I am a big fool - recognized that the air for perhaps blocks and blocks around the building, could NOT be safe on any level. With those buildings having been built way back when? one could assume they contained asbestos - much less all the other types of chemical contaminants one would find from the explosion of two huge jet airliners?
You and Christine Todd Whitman of NJ are both equally culpable in not protecting the rescue workers - much less all those living in the areas immediately around the buildings.
But what about campaign funding - and where all the money for your campaigns has come from? Some through a man there in NY and his vulture fund rapes of certain African nations? I lack adequate personal research to speak to that in more depth - but that should also place you in the "no vote" register. Crimes against humanity. And today you added in more fearmongering. Go away Rudy you are completely disgusting.