Under Construction...Moving on
Soon I'll be viewing life from a different meridian line...about as far north as I could get and still remain here.
With habeas corpus now a thing of the past in this country, I must stifle most of my normal comments by and large. Mendacity prevails in life. Everyone is in, or lives in one state or another. In most cases, that state is the state of denial. Woodward's book, Kerry's botched cynicism.
In the face of actual chaos reining in the middle east, the government still maintains it is making progress. In the face of total co-dependency, many people perpetuate false lifestyles. Arsenic and old lace - solutions for a hypocritical life based on who is using whom, to best advantage. It applies to corporations, governments and individuals. The dynamic only works, as long as both individuals or ideological groups, remain useful.
Who would want to live their life hiding from the truth. Definitely not me, thanks. Will I be able to continue to write in this very stifled environment: stay tuned for a different kind of news in my solitary life. Can I manage without the freedom to rant about greed, avarice and obfuscation? Perhaps. The future is a giant question mark punctuated by my muffled screaming.
Sid Cesar and Immogene Coca did a comedy piece in the late 1950's where he (playing a restaurant waiter) spills hot soup into the lap of Immogene. As she screams, Sid tells her "scream into the napkin please!...we don't want to annoy the patrons..."