The Good Listener?
Sorry, I can't hear you... Second cartoon from the front of my refrigerator - now in pieces due to age. Again, don't remember creator or timeframe so I'm hoping to be forgiven for using same. How appropriate though in view of current scenarios...all the rioting in Denmark and globally. Each day finds me more grateful to be the older person I am.
lalalalalala...index finger right and left hand - stuck into the appropriate eardrum. Overload - mental overload of bolshoy! sheer unadulterated crap pumped out by various representatives in our governmental offices each day. Another zap to our freedoms and another match taken to any benefits we used to have, as a taxpayer. How can these folks look at themselves in the bathroom mirror, at all.
Ford Maddox Ford wrote a book entitled "The Good Soldier" (turn of the century I think...) and it was made into a film years and years ago. It was about a man who lived in a middle class community (as best I recall) ...and who like most of us in life, had a local female (in his case) admirer. He wanted more though, and was overcome by the surface beauty of another young woman - of position, breeding, and affluence. Barely noticing the possibly kinder gentler woman from his same station in life, he naturally married the titled young woman.
Ah ha! But what he got in the end, was his due. This young woman had severe mental problems... and throughout the course of their marriage, he "soldiered" on with one unhappy and often quite unpleasant scenario, after another. There was a line in the story to wit...."Why couldn't 'we' all find happiness within a normal range of choices. Why did we all seek the unattainable. Everything was there to be had, but we all ended up with, exactly what we did not want.
Is this true of all of us today, as a culture? What choice was there that we did not look upon because it wasn't shiny enough, or 'enough' in some regard? lalalalalalala I have looked and I did try and choose based on a realistic value system. What I often got into, was the falsehood of someone or somethings having it on, at my expense. I'm not listening any longer.